Saturday, June 27, 2009

Another Project

Well, today I sat outside and cut out the eyes, jaw, and back of the head on two of my new character's cast heads. I tried out a couple of sets of the new eyes I just received from Mike Brose at Puppets and Props. I really like the Bright Brown! I think this character is going to turn out really sweet! Take a look. MontanaDan

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Future Projects

Well what to do on a rainy day? I Know, make more heads! Today I cast five more heads for future projects. Between the first and second character I have created a total of eleven cast heads from two original clay sculptures. I have two complete Ventriloquist Figures, "Edgar Elkhorn" and "Oscar Orangeblossom" for sale right now!
You can find them on The Ventriloquist Central Marketplace. Just look for the Market Place and you will find many Ventriloquist Dummies for sale. also at my own web pages under Figures For Sale 1 and 2, in my Links Section. Let The Games Begin. MontanaDan

Headcast Success!

Here are a couple of pictures of my newest cast head from my new character. The silicone mold came out much better then the first one I did, and the headcast came out Great! Stay Tuned! MontanaDan

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Character Two

Tonight I made a new silicone mold and plaster mothermold of my New Character.
Not sure what he is going to look like finished, but tomorrow I am going to cast a head. I will post a new picture after that. MontanaDan

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Four In A Row

Well I made four new cast heads this past weekend. Starting to look like a production line, LOL. I ordered more eyes from Mike Brose at Puppets and Props, so when all is said and done, I'll end up with a total of six of these characters that have been created. I think that will be it for this guy. I am still working on a new character sculpture. I will keep you posted on that one. Have a good day, MontanaDan

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Ventriloquist Central "A Tribute To Ventriloquism"

For Those Interested In The Art Of Ventriloquism

Dan Willinger and Steve Hurst have a wealth of Information, Pictures, Articles, Facts, Interesting Details, Links and a Wonderful Collection of Ventriloquist Figures, Ventriloquist Puppets and Videos. From Historical Information to Learning how to create your own Ventriloquist Puppet, Ventriloquist Central has it all.

If You Enjoy Anything And Everything
About The Art Of Ventriloquism,
Now You Can Have Some Great
Ventriloquial Historical Information
That You Have Never Seen!

The All New Ventriloquism Historical Information Collection, Volume 1”, is Now Available for only $9.95, Get Your's Today! MontanaDan

Ventriloquism Historical Information Collection

The New Guy

I am in the process of working on my next figure, here is a picture of the sculpture I am working on. Dan

Ventriloquist Figures

Things are getting pretty busy lately. Looks like I washed out with ebay, but never fear, I am listing some of my figures with Ventriloquist Central's Market Place, so look for the ad placement in the near future. MontanaDan

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Braylu Creations

For those of you who don't know where to get quality Ventriloquist Figure parts at, the answer is Braylu Creations. Braylu sells many ventriloquist dummy parts from conversion parts to custom items. If you are in the market to build your own ventriloquist dummy, check out Braylu Creations and their Blog. Both links are in my Links Section to the right! Happy Venting!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Ever get the feeling that someone is watching you? Here is a shot of a few of the guys just sitting around. I need some more room! It is getting kinda crowded in here.

Jack Cracker

Well Jack has found a new home. It was with some saddness that Jack and I parted ways, but as Jack would say, Catcha Later, or Cya, wouldn't want to be ya!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Edgar Elkhorn

Edgar My New Ventriloquist Puppet is up for grabs on ebay! Don't miss your chance to own an Original MontanaDan Ventriloquist Figure! ebay