Ventriloquist Dummies, Puppets, and Figures by MontanaDan
Ventriloquist Website with information on Ventriloquists, Ventriloquist Dummies,Ventriloquist Puppets, Ventriloquism, Ventriloquist Dummy Building, Ventriloquist Figure Builders, Collecting Ventriloquist Figures, and The Art of Ventriloquism.

Thursday, February 28, 2013
New Gamers Blog
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Time To turn The Page
It is time to turn the page. In early April of 2009 I decided to try a New Hobby. Creating and Building Ventriloquist Figures. It was an exciting time for me, as I learned the ropes, and figured everything out. I have made alot of friends over the past few years, and I have received alot of help and advice from many in the Ventriloquist Community. I want to first off thank every one of those kind folks, who stood behind my dream, and helped me to accomplish it.
I will be closing this blog to all but an occasional future update, and I will be starting a New Blog in the near future. The new blog will be all about Game Design. I have started another journey, and another chapter in my life. I have been creating card and board games, and I have found a new interest, and a new hobby.
I have several games already published on The Game Crafter website, and I have several more in the works. The day to day work on ventriloquist figures has basically come to an end. I have one figure for sale on eBay right now, and one final Butler Character about ready to hit the auction block. These will be my last two ventriloquist figures available. So if you want one get it now before the last two are gone.
I appriciate all the friends, ventriloquists, figure builders and all of you in the ventriloquist community, who have shared the last three and a half years of my life. It has been alot of fun along the way.
I will post one final blog entry after I get my Game Blog up and running. So that anyone who wishes to keep up with my new adventures will have the link to do so.
I will also keep this blog live, as a reference to my work, and as a link portal into the Ventriloquist World.
Cheers, MontanaDan
Friday, January 4, 2013
Monday, December 24, 2012
Double Dummy Deal is a new card game created by Ventriloquist Dummy Builder “MontanaDan” Daniel W. Leighly.
The Double Dummy Deal Card Deck has 70 cards.
The deck is broken down into the following areas:
50 Dummy Player cards, each with different Color Numbers: Red-Blue- Green-and Yellow, matching the players.
4 Dummy Aces "White Dot" Neutral Cards.
4 Character Cards each with a different Color Dot: Red-Blue-Green-or Yellow.
Four Double Trouble Cards "Player Receives Double Points".
Four Wild Cards "Player Receives Triple Points" and Matches any card.
Four Dummy Cards "Player Loses Points".
Four colored six sided dice, One Red, One Blue, One Green, and One Yellow.
The game is designed for 2-4 players, and can be played in several ways.
Check it out at The Game Crafter, MontanaDan
Monday, December 3, 2012
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Brose Buds
If you want a really nice Professional Ventriloquist Figure, and a really young looking boy figure, head over to Puppets and Props and see what Mike has to offer! MontanaDan
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Ventriloquist Dummy on eBay
This ventriloquist Figure has moving side to side eyes, and moving mouth.
He has sculptured eyebrows, and hair, and is dressed as pictured.
Another Great Figure by MontanaDan